Prof. Dr. Vahit Özmen, 22-24 Kasım 2024 tarihlerinde Atina’da düzenlenen, 10’ncu Panhelenik Meme Cerrahisi Kongresine katıldı.
“Meme cerrahisi, ileri onkoplastik ve rekonstrüktif cerrahi, teknikler ve hususlar”.

Αthens November 25th 2024
Dear Professor Dr. Vahit Özmen,
We would like to express our gratitude for your participation as invited speaker and chairman to the 10 th Pan Hellenic Congress of Breast Surgeons which took place in Athens Greece at Royal Olympic Hotel from 22nd – 24th November 2024.
Your high scientific level provided additional knowledge to the participants of the Congress.
It will be our honor to participate in future conferences of the Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons.
With kind regards
President of Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons